understand the role of chiropractic manipulative therapy in
modulation of pain, one must have a basic understanding of
articular neurology. Vertebral synovial joints are innervated
by a variety of neuroreceptors all derived from the dorsal
and ventral rami as well as the recurrent meningeal nerve
of each segmental spinal nerve. Information from these receptors
cross many segmental levels because of multilevel ascending
and descending primary afferents.
Type I mechanoreceptors are confined
to the outer layers of the joint capsule and are stimulated
by active or passive joint movements. Stimulation of type
I receptors is involved with:
1. reflex
modulation of posture and movement
2. perception
of posture and movement
3. tonic
effects on neck, eye, limbs, jaw and eye muscles
of pain from receptors via an enkephalin interneuron transmitter
Type II mechanoreceptors are found within the deeper layers
of the joint capsule. They are stimulated when minor changes
in tension within the inner joint occurs. Type II receptors
are likely to achieve the following:
1. inhibition
of pain from receptors via an enkephalin interneuron transmitter
monitoring for reflex actions
3. phasic
effects on neck, eye, limbs, jaw and eye muscles
Type III mechanoreceptors are located only in ligaments of
the peripheral joints and like GTOs, impose an inhibitory
effect on motorneurons. These receptors:
1. monitor
direction of movement
2. create
a reflex effect on segmental muscle tone
3. recognize
potentially harmful joint movements
Type IV nociceptors are free nerve endings located throughout
the fibrous portion of the joint capsule and ligaments. Type
IV receptors are absent from articular cartilage and synovial
linings but have been found in synovial folds and within the
annulus fibrosis of the disc. These receptors are associated
with the following:
1. evoke
2. tonic
effects on neck, limb, jaw and eye muscles
3. central
reflex connections for pain inhibition and autonomic effects
Dysfunction: Mechanical Effects
The manipulable spinal disorder, traditionally termed "subluxation"
in chiropractic, is now characterized as a spinal joint strain/sprain
with associated local and referred pain and muscle spasm.
The function of the joint is impeded by static misalignment
and/or reduction of motion (i.e., "fixation," "blockage,"
or "hypomobility"). Mechanisms that have been proposed for
spinal dysfunction, include:
Entrapment of a zygapophyseal joint meniscoid (synovial
fold), which have been shown to be heavily innervated by
nociceptors. (Giles, 1987; Bogduk, 1985).
2. Stiffness
caused by adhesions and scar tissue from previous injury
and/or degenerative changes and adaptive shortening of myofascial
tissues. (Arkuszewski, 1988; Lantz, 1995).
3. Entrapment
of annular material from the intervertebral disc, which
is innervated by nociceptors. (Bogduk, 1981, 1985).
4. Excessive
hypertonicity (spasm) of the deep spinal musculature (Blunt,
1995; Buerger, 1983).
Dysfunction: Neurological Effects
The classical theory of "pinched or compressed nerve" has
been replaced with a model that includes both direct and indirect
effects on the function of the nervous system resulting from
spinal dysfunction.
effects involve compression or irritation of the neural structures
in and around the intervertebral foramen. The IVF is an area
where entrapment of neural structures responsible for pain,
sensation, motor, and autonomic function, commonly occurs.
Effects of partial entrapment of a nerve root, such as those
that might occur with disc herniation, foraminal stenosis,
or spinal instability often result in neurogenic pain and
lower motor neuron deficits such as reduced sensation, reduced
reflexes and diminished motor strength (radiculopathy). The
effects of compression on autonomic structures (nerves, rami,
and ganglia), are only just beginning to be understood and
chiropractors have theorized that these effects may extend
to visceral function (Lantz, 1995).
dysfunction can also cause indirect effects on the nervous
system. Persistent spinal pain and joint hypomobility has
shown to increase sensitization of spinal pain pathways and
humural mediators in the dorsal horn (increases C-fibre receptor
stimulation). The result is long-lasting abberant firing patterns
that reinforce pain perception. (Woolf, 1989; Mense, 1993;
Gillette, 1995). The current term for such changes at the
spinal cord level is "central sensitization" (Coderre, 1993).
This increased perception to stimuli can lead to the point
where previously innocuous peripheral stimulation is now interpreted
as painful. This model is now used to explain the clinical
features of chronic pain and autonomic dysfunction resulting
from both neuropathic and somatic pain.
and Neurological Effects of Chiropractic Adjustive Therapy
in Pain Management
manipulative therapy involves inducing a quick (100-300 milliseconds),
high velocity, low amplitude impulse into the joint (spinal
or extraspinal joints) (Herzog, 1996; Triano, 1992) When a
joint is rapidly stretched or separated, cavitation occurs
internally and an audible "pop" may be heard. The audible
"pop" occurs due to the sudden drop in pressure within the
capsule of the joint as it is distracted. The process of cavitation
itself is not therapeutic but does represent a physical event
that signifies joint separation, stretching of articular tissue
and stimulation of mechanoreceptors and nociceptors. These
events have been shown to have significant mechanical and
neurological effects, including:
1. Increasing
range of motion of the joint by breaking up adhesions/scar
- adhesions
and scar tissue can occur due to joint immobilization, chronic
joint effusion and inflammation. Adjustive therapy can induce
a quick distraction and break up intra-articular adhesions.
Often, modalities such as moist heat or ultrasound can assist
Releasing of entrapped synovial or disc tissue by temporarily
increasing joint space, thus reducing pain
- distractive
adjustive therapy creates a temporary increase in joint
space which may permit trapped tissue to release.
Restoring proper tone of musculature and myofascial tissues
by resetting muscle spindles and stimulating Golgi Tendon
Organs located in the muscle tendon junction
- high
velocity adjustments have the ability to produce a strong
stretch on the muscle tendon complex, activating the GTO
and inducing reflexive muscle relaxation (autogenic relaxation)
- high
velocity adjustments also stimulate joint and soft tissue
mechanoreceptors providing a bombardment of somatic afferent
receptor activity. Stimulation of mechanoreceptors have
demonstrated a notable inhibitory effect on segmental motor
activity, decreasing muscle spasms and interrupting painful
myofascial cycles.
Stimulus produced analgesia
- The
Gate Control Theory of Pain. The dynamic stretching produced
by manipulation (particularly when a cavitation occurs)
induces a barrage of activity in joint and muscular mechanoreceptors
and nociceptors that is transmitted along "large-fibre"
afferents. This afferent bombardment produces inhibitory
effects by stimulating an interneuron at the dorsal horn
of a spinal level which presynaptically inhibits pain information
to the transmission cells. If all nociceptive information
is inhibited from synapsing with the T cell, then ascending
spinothalamic pathway is blocked and pain cannot be appreciated.
Pain can also be inhibited by descending fibers from the
brain and brain stem reticular formation. These descending
fibres carry opiod neuro-modulators and terminate in the
dorsal horn of the spinal cord where they can inhibit pain
sensation. (Gillette,
1995; Le Bars, 1992; Vernon, 1986). Spinal tissues, in particular,
the articular capsule, is richly innervated with mechanoreceptors
and nociceptors and appears to have a unique pattern of
afferent input into the central nervous system, with a high
level of convergence existing with other somatic and visceral
inputs onto the same spinal tract projection cells (Gillette,
1995; Patterson, 1986; Hu, 1993). This enables afferent
input from spinal tissues to have a strong influence on
gating somatic and visceral pain sensations.
- Gillet
suggests that spinal adjustments may initiate both a short
lived phasic response, triggered by stimulation of superficial
and deep mechanoreceptors and a longer lived tonic response,
triggered by noxious levels of nociceptor receptors. The
phasic responsecan initiate a local gating response but
the analgesic effect terminates with cessation of therapy
(as occurs with massage therapy and mobilization). The tonic
response initiated by noxious levels of nociception is extremely
powerful and is capable of outlasting therapy. Adjustments
that induce cavitation and capsular distraction may be a
source of nociceptive stimulation and can initiate a long
lasting analgesic effect.
- afferent
input associated with adjustments have also been theorized
to increase the levels of neuro-chemical pain inhibitors
(opiods), i.e. enkephalins are locally released by stimulation
of neurons in the substantia gelatinosa and endorphins are
released by stimulation of the hypothalamic pituitary axis.
chiropractic manipulation can offer both an alternative to
many pain management strategies as well as an effective co-management
treatment with many medical therapies. As is common in the
U.S., integration of chiropractic services in hospital outpatient
centres and multidisciplinary pain clinics can become a reality
if administrators, policy makers, medical physicians and the
public have a clearer understanding of the chiropractic profession
and begin to appreciate its therapeutic benefits and its role
in pain management. It is our responsibility as doctors of
chiropractic to utilize the full capacity of our training
as clinicians, educate our patients and policy makers, cooperate
with our medical collegues, and make an attempt to integrate
ourselves in arenas chiropractors are not traditionally found,
such as hospitals and long term care facilities.
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Hu JW, Yu XM, Vernon H, Sessle BJ. Excitatory effects on
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Lantz CA. The vertebral subluxation complex. In Gatterman
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Connie D'Astolfo, D.C., is a graduate from National University
of Health Sciences. Dr. D'Astolfo recently conducted a presentation
on the "Chiropractic Management of Pain" to physicians and
staff at a Toronto hospital. Her vision is to see chiropractic
physicians fully integrated into the Canadian Health Care
System, including hospitals and long term care facilities.
She can be reached at (905) 738-1948 or
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