Wrinkle Injections consist of muscle relaxing injections or dermal filler injections.
Wrinkle Injections of Botulinum toxin injected right into the muscles that are responsible for creating wrinkles or undesirable facial muscle effects. This treatment is quick and results usually last for three to six months. The toxin temporarily inactivates the muscles that produce wrinkles, thereby causing lines to disappear or diminish dramatically. It usually takes a few days after the injection to notice the wrinkle smoothing effect.
Some of the common areas treated include crow's feet, frown lines, laugh lines, and forehead wrinkles. The toxin can also be injected to weaken the muscles responsible for a "gummy smile", which can improve this appearance dramatically. Injections into muscles that lower the eyebrow or corners of the mouth can produce a form of temporary brow lift brow or lip lift.
After the first treatment, you may return for follow-up injections. Some doctors report that after several treatments, the effect appears to last longer, often up to several months.
Complications from these injections to the upper eyelid include occasional bruising from the injection itself, and a temporary drooping of the eyelid (which rarely occurs) after frown line injections. The injected medication is used in extremely small amounts and does not spread throughout the body so you can return to full activity immediately.
Although the product can be used by almost anyone, patients who are pregnant, breastfeeding or who have a neurologic disease should not use it.
New uses for Botulinum toxin include reduction in sweating of hands and armpits (hyperhydrosis) and relief of headaches.
Wrinkle Injections of hyaluronic acid --a naturally occurring substance in your skin that helps to add volume and hydration. The product is injected under the skin to instantly restore your skin’s volume and smooth away facial wrinkles and folds, like your "smile lines" or “parentheses” (nasolabial folds—the creases that run from the bottom of your nose to the corners of your mouth).
Other Wrinkle injections' product is made of tiny calcium-based microspheres which are suspended in a natural, water-based gel. These calcium-based microspheres are similar to minerals that are found naturally in your body so allergy testing is not required.